Why Business Health Matters

Do the work, get results.  We all know this principle well.  But do we do it?   

You want to run a marathon? Better log some miles beforehand.  

You want to get in physical health? You are going to need a workout routine and a diet to match.  

You want mental health? Then you need practices to get there — therapy, counseling, reading, writing, podcasting, mindfulness, prayer, and/or mediation. 

The same holds true for business health.  A healthy business isn’t random.  It takes work.  A healthy business requires a dedicated focus on rhythms and rituals that produce health.  

The same reason one meets regularly with a personal trainer or therapist that helps them work on themself is the same reason a business needs a regular practice with a consultant or coach.  Consistency is key.  Perspective is powerful.  Accountability changes things.    

Business health is something that I’m fascinated with.  I look at it frontwards and backwards — finding common denominators and distilling it down to the core elements.  I might find a book in here to write eventually, but for the time being, there are still some golden nuggets (shout out to Kevin Hart - The Decision) available right now.

What is business health?

My definition as of now is made up of key attributes that are quite similar to what makes a person healthy (both physically and mentally).  I find the similarities quite surprising for what our businesses need in relation to what we all need on a personal level.  

+ Food and Water

Enough resources to sustain — the closest similarity here to food and water for business is cash.  If you run out, you won’t survive long.

+ Shelter/Habitable Environment

A safe place where we can flourish in.  Your environment should call you to the action you are trying to drive.  Your office should be inspiring.  Your living room should be relaxing and destressing.  Ideally, you might have multiple work environments available to you at different times of the day that match your mood/vibe.  Sometimes the hustle and bustle of the coffee shop can be just what you need, other times it’s the quiet office with no distractions.  Even other times, it's the couch next to a fireplace (my current setup).  Work doesn’t have to take place in a stale fluorescent-lit office environment.  It’s not the 90’s or 00’s anymore.   

+ Rest

Rest and time off are key.  Burnout is a silent killer.  It comes out of nowhere and then can derail the best of us.  Fend it off by taking some R&R.

+ Movement

Our bodies need to move.  Even if it is just walking, our bodies were made to move.  It feels great to put our feet up and relax, but eventually, you have to move or more pain is on the way.  The same holds true for your business.  Some key activities have to take place.  I call this movement.  Think of your operation.  If you are making shoes, you gotta make those shoes.  Some movements are unique to the business you are in (the service you perform or the product you sell).  Yet others are common to the administration and operation of a business: bookkeeping, finance, marketing, sales, HR, customer service, operations, etc.  When these movements are neglected or not efficient, your business pays.  Natural movement and fluid movement is the goal.  Work on your business to achieve this optimal flow.

+ Connection

We need family, friends, and community.  We need to be known.  Your business is the same.  If the market doesn’t know your business exists, then it won’t be around long.  Often we pursue this connection for our businesses in sales, marketing, PR, and community engagement.  Is your business connected enough?

+ Purpose

We all want to have a reason to get out of bed in the morning.  We need to have something to work on that is important to us; otherwise, life gets dull quickly.  What is the purpose of your business? Is it compelling?  If not, find out what would dial up the purpose and impact and pursue that.

+ Fun

Life is meant to be lived.  If there isn’t some amount of fun in this life then I think we are getting it wrong.  Work can be fun.  Your business should be fun.  Yes, work sometimes “is work,” and there are things we have to do that we don’t want to do that simply come with the territory of running a business or working your role.  Yet, don’t take the bait that work can’t be fun.  Mix it up.  Add some spice to your routine.  Embrace Taking Back Mondays or add in your own way to add some fun to make things interesting.  Boring is the enemy of a healthy business.  You started this business to break the mold.  That sounds fun!  Don’t forget it.

Commit to business health.  It matters.  It doesn’t come easy.  It doesn’t come by chance.  It takes intention. 

We are in the business of making your business healthy.   

If business health is important to you, then you need to practice healthy business rhythms and rituals.  We can help.  You can do a drop-in session or sign up for monthly sessions with us — we offer finance, marketing, and overall business operation/strategy-focused coaching sessions.  

Your business needs to be healthy.  It deserves to be healthy, and do you! You got this. Let’s get after itSchedule a Call with us today. ⚡️


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