Why We're Getting Rowdy in 2025

Have you ever been in a season of life or running your business where you’ve been cruising along, head-down, doing the work in front of you, and then at some point, you pause and zoom out to look at what you’ve been chugging away on, only to realize you got a few clicks off from the original intent?

Ya, us too.

Life and running a business are like that sometimes. 

Sometimes, it takes the milestone of a new year rolling around or a significant life event to remind us to stop, step back, refocus, and realign with our goals.

You may (or may not) have noticed we put our weekly emails and blogs on hold through the holidays and into the new year while we’ve been doing our own recalibrating at Hoffbeck + Co. (It’s a freeing thing to remember we’re the bosses. This is our business, and we can put our content on hold for a bit if we need to! Imagine that?!)

To kick off 2025, Lane and I both knew we wanted to get to the office together with empty whiteboards to map out our goals for the new year. After running this business together for almost 8 years (and being married for 14 years), we both intuitively sensed we also needed to reconnect to the heartbeat of our business — why we’re doing what we’re doing.

It wasn’t that we’d gotten way off track. It was more that we both felt we’d been so caught up in the whirlwind of operating our business and doing the work in front of us for our clients that we knew it was time to slow down, exhale, and zoom out before we zoomed back in.

The irony isn’t missed on us. This is what we help our clients with ALL. THE. TIME. 😆 When we say we get it, we really, really do – because we know how difficult it can be to make the time to work ON your business, not just IN it. 

As we recapped 2024 and dreamed into 2025, we decided to get clear on a guiding theme and mantra for the year ahead: GET ROWDY!

Here’s why and what this means to us:

A core value in our business (and marriage) is to be bold risk-takers. Playing it safe didn’t get us here, and it's not going to take us to where we are going. We encourage our clients to do the same.

We often talk about disruption because it goes hand in hand with being bold and taking risks. 

New Ideas + Action = New Worlds

It’s a formula we embrace. Its byproduct is change, and change is uncomfortable. It's uncomfortable for us, for you, for competitors, for industries, and for economies. It prompts questions like:

  • How will this change turn out?

  • What about everything that feels comfortable or normal?

  • Will it disrupt consistency?

  • Will it disrupt the status quo?

More than likely, the answer is YEAH. But it will be worth it.

The guiding principle of disruption, to us, always comes back to this question: 

“How can we (and our clients) serve customers better – in ways that aren’t being met yet?” 

So whether it’s a big or seemingly small act of disruption, the heart of it is to know yourself, your business, your customers, and your audience so well that you pinpoint and boldly take action to make a positive impact.

This guiding principle hasn’t changed for us and will continue. This year though, we’re leaning into it even more at Hoffbeck + Co.

In 2025, we’re going to GET ROWDY about everything we set out to do. It’s going to be a filter for us in the content we’re creating, in the products and services we offer, and as we determine how and where we spend our time, energy, and money.

We’re going to:

  • Get messy

  • Break things

  • Launch new content, services, and products imperfectly and without overthinking it

  • Kick up some dust and probably push a few buttons

  • Make our voices heard

  • Prioritize quality over quantity

  • Be who we are – unapologetically

There are different viewpoints on how to own, run, and grow a small business. The problem is that there is no perfect one-size-fits-all answer for how to do it. If there was, every business would be printing money. So what happens?… You are left with advice from everyone and their mom about how you should market your product/service, manage your money, and make strategic decisions. 

We hear advice we don’t agree with all the time…like:

  • Never take on business debt.

  • Don’t use credit cards.

  • Charge your customers credit card fees.

  • Bookkeeping is easy; you can do it yourself.

  • ChatGPT makes killer logos for free.

  • Websites are cheap to make. My friend makes them, and you should hire him/her.

  • Make sure to start Google Ads right away and spend at least $1000/month.

  • Blogging is dead.

  • I just need someone to do all my social media for me.

  • Industry-specific marketing agencies are the way to go. I need to do what everyone else is doing in my industry.

Don’t take your business advice from anyone unless you’d take your medical advice from anyone. Remember, common sense isn’t always common, and good business advice can be the same.

Here’s a mantra we hold fast to for learning and advice: 

Be willing to learn from anyone. Be wise enough to only seek advice from those who have something you desire.

Not all advice is created equal. Test it; don’t just take it.

We are here to tell you there isn’t one objectively correct way to build your business.  

We make suggestions; you make decisions. Make decisions that honor your business, your values, and your vision.

We gettin’ rowdy.  

We aren’t getting judgy, though. Core to what we want to create is a no-judgment zone where you can be the business owner you want to be. Again, we will make suggestions based on what we find true to help you grow, but we aren’t here to put your nose in it. You are going to build a business differently than we would. You are supposed to. Your customers want your fingerprints all over what you build. We are in the business of helping you do your best work, helping others find you, and helping you gain freedom (time and money). Simply put, we want to help you GET ROWDY too.  

You may lack business savvy.

You may be embarrassed of your finances.

You may be scared of the spotlight. 

You may avoid tough conversations.

You may be a novice manager.

You may not be a good negotiator or deal-maker. 

You may be tentative to toot your own horn.

It’s all good. You got this. You and your business don’t scare us. We’ve seen it all.

If you have a bit of entrepreneurial spirit and an appetite for risk, and you find yourself wondering what might be just around that next corner — then you are in good company. Let’s lean in together.

GET ROWDY energy is what we’re bringing to 2025.

The heartbeat of why we’re here doing what we do is because we are ferociously passionate about helping small businesses succeed. Small businesses represent freedom, autonomy, and the pursuit of personal passions and dreams. They have the power to positively impact communities because they live and work in the neighborhoods and amongst the very people they serve. Small businesses have the potential to generate wealth for people and families, unmatched by a capped corporate job. Small businesses and everything they represent are our why, our filter, and our focus…

…which is why we want to hear from YOU – the small business owners!

Complete this survey in 1 minute. Tell us what would help you most so we can best support you and help your business succeed. Plus, be entered to win a FREE 45-minute strategy session with Lane or Mahla ($250 value). Sending you a BIG thank you in advance! 🤙 *To be entered to win, surveys must be submitted by midnight PST on Friday 2/14/25.

Hats off to kicking up some dust and getting rowdy this year!


More soon,

Lane + Mahla



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Mahla Hoffbeck

Most business owners feel overwhelmed figuring out the best place to focus time and money for their marketing efforts. Website? Instagram? Facebook ads?

I get it. Without a plan, it can feel like you’re throwing darts while blindfolded and hope a few stick to the target.

I help businesses write copy that sells, develop beautiful websites, and carry out a proven marketing plan and sales funnel to increase revenue.

Schedule a Call today.


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