How To Create a Compelling Brand


In this blog, we define and explain the essential elements that make up a brand. We also share examples and provide a solid list of resources to help you identify and create your brand elements successfully.

+ What is a BRAND?

A brand refers to the way a company, product or person uniquely distinguishes itself in the marketplace and in people’s minds. Simply put, it’s the territory a business claims when people think about it. It’s a company’s chance to shape and influence how consumers perceive their business, products and services. It’s kind of a big deal.

There are a lot of elements that make up a company’s brand including its target audience, mission, vision, values, tagline, messaging, tone of voice and visual assets. Oftentimes branding refers to the visual components of a brand including a logo, typography (fonts), color palette, icons, and visual design or brand style guide.

+ Examples of Branding

Coca-Cola arguably has the most iconic branding of all time. Their well-known logo with the white script typography and red color is known worldwide. Even though it has slightly evolved over several decades, it has retained its brand recognition.

Another great example is Nike. Nike uses the “swoosh” for their logo and tagline “just do it”, which just about everyone knows and recognizes wherever they see it.

+ What does it take to have branding that reflects you and your company?

In order to have great branding, you should know your brand’s:

  • Messaging

  • Target audience 

  • Mission

  • Vision

  • Values

Because the more of these brand elements you know, the more you’re able to capture them in your brand’s visuals and increase the likelihood your branding is on point.

+ Resources to help you figure out your brand elements


Messaging, also called Brand Messaging, for a business refers to how a brand communicates about itself to the public. It should be clear and compelling and invite your customers into a story. We help clients identify and clarify their Messaging. Learn more here.

Target Audience

Your target audience is the specific group of people who will buy your products and services. They’re your target, ideal customers.


A mission statement is about why you exist. As explained by Bain and Company: “A Mission Statement defines the company’s business, its objectives and its approach to reach those objectives.”

Vision Statement

Bain and Company defines a company vision statement well— “A Vision Statement describes the desired future position of the company.” In other words, it clearly states the world you are creating when you perform your mission. 


Core values as defined in this Harvard Business Review (HBR) article are “the deeply ingrained principles that guide all of a company’s actions; they serve as its cultural cornerstones.” What you value is what you focus on.  What you focus on is what you create.  Declare your values, and you declare what you create. 

More soon,

Mahla Hoffbeck

Consultant + Partner


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Mahla Hoffbeck

Most business owners feel overwhelmed figuring out the best place to focus time and money for their marketing efforts. Website? Instagram? Facebook ads?

I get it. Without a plan, it can feel like you’re throwing darts while blindfolded and hope a few stick to the target.

I help businesses write copy that sells, develop beautiful websites, and carry out a proven marketing plan and sales funnel to increase revenue.

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