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Marketing, Branding Alyssa DeGeorge Marketing, Branding Alyssa DeGeorge

10 Words Used in Graphic Design Lingo You Should Know

In this blog post, we'll demystify 10 essential terms from the world of graphic design and marketing that you'll encounter during your branding journey. From 'Insignia’ to ‘Negative Space’, understanding all of this graphic design lingo will pave the way for a successful discussion and collaboration as we shape your brand identity.

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Branding, Strategy + Management Alyssa DeGeorge Branding, Strategy + Management Alyssa DeGeorge

What is a Brand Style Guide and Why You Need One

Branding goes beyond a logo. It's about the way your business makes someone feel when they interact with it. It includes a blend of visuals, mission, messaging, and more. A brand style guide unifies these elements, ensuring consistent brand recognition while also building trust. While guidelines are vital, we also share how and why they ought to be adaptable as a business grows and changes. Every single business needs a brand style guide, and when you invest in it, you’re choosing to take your business to the next level.

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Strategy + Management, Marketing, Branding Mahla Hoffbeck Strategy + Management, Marketing, Branding Mahla Hoffbeck

Checklist: 10 Essential Elements Your Website Homepage Needs

Your website homepage really matters. It’s one of your greatest opportunities as a small business to show and tell your potential customers what you’re all about – but you truly only get seconds to grab their attention. Unfortunately, far too many small businesses waste or ruin their opportunity with a confusing and unappealing homepage. Don’t let this be you — read on!

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Messaging, Branding Mahla Hoffbeck Messaging, Branding Mahla Hoffbeck

Debunking 3 Myths about Brand Messaging

Brand Messaging refers to how your business or brand communicates to customers. After helping so many businesses with their brand messaging, I’ve identified three common myths that I regularly help my clients “debunk” right out of the gate, before we dive into the heart of their messaging project. So now, I’m going to share these with you!

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